Assistant Professor, Indiana University

headshot of woman wearing glasses and white button up shirt

Shelby Rader, Director

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

headshot of a woman with red hair and glasses with fall trees in the background

Molly Karnes, SIRF Technical Lab Manager

woman with dark hair posing outdoors wearing hiking clothes

Jenni Hurst, M.S. Student

Sarah Kolodny, Ph.D. student

woman with red hair smiling with sun on her face

Salem Wallace, undergraduate student


Cameron Adams, former undergraduate student

Cameron is currently a Ph.D. student at Brown University.

Allison Faulkner, former undergraduate student

Allison is currently a M.S. student at Indiana University Indianapolis.

Nathan Roden, former M.S. student

Nathan is currently a Ph.D. student at Monash University.

Katie Snodgrass, former undergraduate student

Katie is currently a hydrogeologist for the DNR Division of Reclamation.

Trent Stegink, former M.S. student

Trent is currently an Assistant Consultant at WSP.